Sunday, June 30, 2019

3D Art III - Week 3

Truck Side Assembly (Week 3)

This week I've modeled several new pieces, and created the high poly for them. The bake took several attempts, as the 8 layers were not baking through successfully and some of the layers had merged. Eek...So I then remembered the low poly fbx had to have all of the layers with different materials. It worked! So I was finally able to re-texture all my layers. I'm right on track for this week, and intend to have the painted decals and the final ready for next week included and brought into engine.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

3D Art III - Wk 2 - Portfolio Piece 2

Truck Side Assembly

I had continued on to the high poly in Zbrush and texturing phase in Substance, but this week have gone back and modeled some of the missing pieces, like the screws and hoses in the front and back (see last image).

Sunday, June 9, 2019

3D Art III Wk1 - Portfolio Piece 2

Portfolio Piece 2 - Ground Fuel Truck Side Assembly


My schedule for this piece will be slightly different than the previous assignment, and will go as following:6/16: Proportions and scale taken into consideration; Low Poly modeling should be primarily completed.6/23: Complete Low Poly and UV all parts; Begin High Poly6/30: Complete the High poly and begin the First Bake. Start the texturing.7/7: Finish texturing/Materials. Implement into engine and adjust lighting, etc.

3D Art Wk 4 - Portfolio Piece I

Portfolio Piece - PCA Jet

This week I finished my panel painting on my jet. Exported assets into Unreal and went back and forth, adding more panel pieces for the bottom. I also, began diving into WorldMachine, and had some technical issues trying to export the final pieces. But at least this gave me good insight into the time it takes to create terrain in this robust program, but had some fun exploring it.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

3D Art III - Week 3

PCA Jet - Bake and Texture

This week I learned how to create decals in Substance! And right on schedule for the bake and texture painting. I began in Photoshop by bringing in the Boeing logo in a perfect square. Leaving the color and dropping all of the background, then saving as a png. Next create a color overlay over that colored logo with white and adding a black background, then saving as a jpg. Dropped both files into the "Project" folder in Substance then dragging the alpha and color to appropriate texture settings area, and then stamped away!  I had to recreate the graphic on the top left corner because the reference was too low res.